"On a small faraway planet, a miner witnesses a workers revolt
in a Germinium mine, an essential resource to the well-being of the Corporate Empire. "
"On a small faraway planet, a miner witnesses a workers revolt
in a Germinium mine, an essential resource to the well-being of the Corporate Empire. "
- Two levels of storytelling : A workers uprising, where you play the traitor
- Limited to three words on screen
- Show an evolution of the workers mindset : Insecurity, hope, conflict, vengeance
- Inspired by Emile Zola's Germinal and FPS games of the 90's and 00's : Unreal, Perfect Dark, Red Faction, Shogo, Half-Life
The Mine - Waking Up
- The judgement of the avatar from the workers
- Props placed to form $ and ¢
- Chimneys, symbol of power & landmark
- Workers : poor, vulnerable, exploited
The Mine - Getting Out
- Lighting the way : bonfires, lanterns, arson, emergency lights
- Vantage point oversees the uprising's aftermath
"The infamous black and white mineral has a lot of bloody red on its hands! The first security gate is in total disarray."
The Quarters - Overview
- Props used to redirect the player's path
- Helix / Round table symbolizes the workers' union and equality
- Framing the landmark
- Options to explore nooks and valves
"Sabotaging generators and reading books seems to have been their last activities. How long have you been out of it?"
The Auditorium
- Largest room gives sense of how many people live here
- Animation as a reward for curiosity (top of stairs)
- Fires, crates and railings shape the path
- Linear layout vs large building symbolizing hope of being free, but ultimately remaining under the control of somebody else
- Visible exit
"Speakers were toppled, a crowd was divided and processed."
The Office
- Social, esthetic and literal ascension
- Management : symmetry, order, cleanliness
- Linear layout with small nooks
- Office designed to oversee / feel seen
- Escape pod's lift-off animation
"In fact, you admire the people who own you, and for that, you deserve better. The best.
That escape pod is still waiting for you.
Isn't it?"